Presenting phonics in a truly unique way, Language Works gives students the phonetic building blocks needed to both read and spell. With Language Works, students experience real success with spelling, and teachers like the clear and comprehensive design of the program!


Language Works introduces 60 letter combinations (phonemes/phonograms) that are the building blocks of the English language. A phonogram is a combination of letters that is pronounced together, such as ai, ey, igh, ch and ur. For most children, phonics is the key to opening the door to the wonderful world of reading. And for those children who don’t rely on phonics to begin to read, they will still need to know phonics in order to spell and write.


Language Works is a unique 3-Step process:

Step 1 isolates a key phonogram and gives students practice blending sounds together to read words. This skill is called decoding.

Step 2 has students write the words in order to spell. This skill is called encoding.

Step 3 is a self-given spelling test.


Each step has a built-in control of error. This  self-checking system is what makes Language Works totally unique.

Students check their reading with a picture booklet. Teachers and students love the original illustrations, which add real enjoyment to the activity.


A 45-minute teacher instructional video is included with Language Works. Using in-class presentations, the video demonstrates  how to present the program to students. It also introduces 18 extension activities.

3-Step Process

Each phonogram is introduced with a window card and matching picture booklet. The phonogram being learned is printed at the top and has been eliminated from the words below.  This allows students to discover the words on their own as they fill in the windows.


Students place the window card on paper and use a red pencil to write in the phonogram.  The student then checks with the corresponding picture booklet to confirm what they have read.


The second time through, the student will add the beginning and ending sounds to complete each word. Pictures provide the cues needed to write the missing letters.


Students can test themselves using the picture booklet for the cues needed to write each word.


The Language Works program follows proven methods to teach beginning reading and spelling. An important study called the Illinois Right to Read Initiative compiled 30 years of reading research in order to prepare educators for the 21st century. This body of research shed new light on which methods are most effective in teaching reading and emphasizes the importance of phonics. It states:

Certain abilities must be developed that work together to create strong reading skills:

  • Phonemic Awareness
  • Sound-Spelling Correspondence
  • Decoding Ability
  • Spelling, Vocabulary, and Writing Skills

The Language Works Program teaches all of these recommended important skills, providing a strong foundation in phonetic word analysis needed for future reading success. Research also shows that good reading programs should present both phonics and a book rich environment as part of a well-rounded language curriculum.

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